Setting up Mission Python – Catalina Edition
Update: I have updated the below post to use Python 3.11.5 and has been tested on an Intel based MacBook Air running macOS Catalina, Big Sur and Monterey.
If you are using an Apple Sillicon Macbook, I have updated steps here
A couple of years ago I picked up a copy of Sean McManus’s – Mission Python: Code a Space Adventure Game from No Starch Press.
In my opinion, it’s still a great book to get into coding a game in Python using Pygame Zero.
The book explains how to set up your adventure on a Windows PC and Raspberry Pi, but been a macOS user, I decided to post the steps below on to set up your adventure on a Mac.
The book recommends Python 3.6.6 (at time of writing), I have based this post on Python 3.11.5
*** Installing Python 3.11.5 ***
Download Python 3.11.5 from
Double click the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Once installed Open Terminal (Cmd+Spacebar, type Terminal, press Enter).
Type which python3, at the prompt
You should get the below result-
*** Install pip3 ***
pip3 (23.2.1) is automatically installed with Python3 (3.11.5), I would recommend checking if there is a newer version, in Terminal>
Type pip3 install --upgrade pip
Type pip3 --version
You should get the below result-
pip 23.2.1 from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pip (python 3.11)
Install Pygame Zero
In Terminal>
Type pip3 install pgzero
Type pip3 show pgzero
You should see the below in the results-
Name: pgzero
Version: 1.2.1
Once the above has been completed, you are ready to test Mission Python on your Mac.
Download the Mission Code file from
Once the file has downloaded and unzipped from within Terminal move to the escape folder (I unzipped the into my Downloads folder to test).
Open Terminal (Cmd+Spacebar, type Terminal, press Enter).
Type cd Downloads
Type cd escape
Type pgzrun
Once you have done the above the game should start. You are now ready to begin your adventure with Mission Python.