Code the Classics - Volume II - macOS Guide
A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to be gifted a physical copy of Code the Classics – Volume II published by Raspberry PI Press.
I had originally purchased the e-version via Humble Bundle but struggled to get any of the code to run, going to say it was due to “e-book fatigue”.
I’ve put the below steps together to help anyone wanting to get the games up and running quickly.
Installing Python 3.12.2
- Download Python 3.12.2
- Double click the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Once installed run the below from the Terminal
which python3
You should get the below result
Installing pip3
pip3 is automatically installed with Python3 (3.12.2), I would recommend checking if there is a newer version.
The below is all run via Terminal
pip3 install –upgrade pip
pip3 --version
You should get the below result
pip 24.3.1 from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip (python 3.12)
Installing Pygame Zero
The below is all run via Terminal
pip3 install pgzero
You should get the below result
Successfully installed numpy-2.2.1 pgzero-1.2.1 pygame-2.6.1
Install a Joystick Keyboard Mapper (Optional)
As mentioned in the PI 400 install, I like using a Joystick Keyboard Mapper for macOS I use Joystick Mapper (it’s a little old but still works)
Playing the Games
Since we just want to play the games for now, I will clone the “Games” repository under the Downloads directory
The below is all run via Terminal
Change to the Downloads dirctory (I am assuming you are in the User directory)
cd Downloads
Clone the “Games” from the books GitHub repository (we will be using the git version that is pre-installed on macOS)
git clone
Once the clone has completed move into the games direcorty
cd Code-the-Classics-Vol2
You can now list the games
You should see the below listing beatstreets eggzy leadingedge avenger cover kinetix
Let’s play Beat Streets (Double Dragon Inspired)
cd beatstreets