A few years ago I published steps on how to setup Python and Pygame Zero on a Macbook (Intel based) to follow along with Sean McManus’s – Mission Python: Code a Space Adventure Game from No Starch Press.

I recently did the setup on a MacBook Air (M1 running Sonoma 14.4.1).

Below are the updated steps -

Installing Python 3.12.3

  • Download Python 3.12.3 from https://www.python.org/downloads/macos/
  • Double click the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Once installed Open Terminal (Cmd+Spacebar, type Terminal, press Enter).
  • Type which python3, at the prompt.

    You should get the result - /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/bin/python3

Installing pip3

pip3 (24.0) is automatically installed with Python3 (3.13.3), I would recommend checking if there is a newer version.

  • In the Terminal type pip3 install –upgrade pip
  • Type pip3 –version

    You should get the result - pip 24.0 from /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.12/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pip (python 3.12)

Installing Pygame Zero

  • In the Terminal type pip3 install pgzero

    You should get the result - Successfully installed numpy-1.26.4 pgzero-1.2.1 pygame-2.5.2

Once the above has been completed, you are ready to test Mission Python on your Mac.

Download the Mission Code file from https://www.sean.co.uk/books/mission-python/index.shtm

Once the file has downloaded and unzipped from within Terminal move to the escape folder (I unzipped the file into my Downloads folder to test).

  • Open Terminal (Cmd+Spacebar, type Terminal, press Enter).
  • Type cd Downloads
  • Type cd escape
  • Type pgzrun escape.py

Once you have done the above the game should start. You are now ready to begin your adventure with Mission Python.

Field Notes

I recommend installing Python as per above and not via Homebrew, when I first did the post I picked up many issues with pygame installed via Homebrew, that is why I went “old school”.

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